EventClock Screenshot

EventClock for OS X


Displays a typical analog clock with your iCal events painted on the clockface. Always gives you an instant view of all appointments within the next 12 hours.

Check the Quick Start Guide for more information.

Requires Mac OS X 10.5. Available now in the Mac app store.

Features and Highlights:

Revision history:

1.1 - Released 2011-04-15 1.0.2 - Released 2011-02-28 1.0.1 - Released 2011-02-04 1.0 - Released 2011-01-29

Known issues

Yearly recursive events and some events connected to Google calendars are not working fully - these problems have been corrected as of 2011-08-22 and a new version will be uploaded to the app store shortly.

Launching iCal from the dock menu is unstable - waiting for a framework upgrade before this can be solved. As of 1.0.2, iCal can be launced from main Events menu and by pressing Space when EventClock has focus.

Please report problems and suggestions to jimmy.ced at gmail.com