Displays a barcode on an UN*X X11 desktop. Values displayed are periodically fetched
from a shell command. Use to display the time, date, cpu usage, unread mails etc - any
command that outputs numeric values should work (alphanumeric values are filtered out).
Optionally flashes when values are changing to provide visual notification.
Note that the background is not transparent, but can be set to any solid color.
Show number of logged in users and IP address (flash changes):
bardisp -f -g 5 "who | wc -l; ifconfig | grep broad"
Show date and time:
bardisp "date +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M\""
Show processor load (update every 2 secs, flash changes):
bardisp -f -g 6 -t 2 top
Display file count in ftp file tree (white bars, flash changes):
bardisp -i -f "ls -R /home/ftp/ | wc -l"
bardisp -h for a list of available parameters.
Source archive:
Bardisp 1.0
Requires qt v4.3 or later. Verified on OpenBSD 4.3 and Ubuntu 9.10.